Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Distance Ahead

Sometimes, I am just really ready for the future. This is the time when my mom would point her finger at me and tell me "don't wish your life away!". But seriously! High school sucks. So much drama. I am just ready to graduate and get away from all these ignorant people and make my own life. I am ready to meet my husband and have my dream wedding and get married and have a bunch of little kids that act just like i did. AND MOVE AWAY. Sometimes I am just tired of this southern setting. I want to move to a big city. Or sometimes I want to move to a small town. Depending on my mood, of course. But all this just seems so far away. Almost like it is never going to happen and I am going to be stuck in this high school moment forever. But I know one day, I am going to look back and wish I was here again. Everyone says that your teen years are your golden years. But I don't feel that way. I think that your golden years will be spent with the person you love, doing what you love, at the place that you love. What could be more golden than that?